Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How To Be Alone

I am a single girl ... have been for quite some time. As such one is labeled as alone but more often tends to be mistaken for lonely, though they are not synonymous. I sometimes get asked about how it feels being single and my response is always truthful; sometimes being alone can have its moments of loneliness but mostly I have come to relish the joys and freedom that comes with the independence. I recently discovered this video that discusses the "art of being alone" and it covers the matter perfectly. EVERYONE (alone or not) should watch this video because we all end up on our own at some point, even if just for a few hours a day.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

SO Excited

I have long loved the Indie Craft Experience event in Atlanta, GA and now my very own "big city" of Greenville, SC will now be hosting the Indie Craft Parade!! I definitely plan to attend the 1st annual event next month and so excited that an amazing juncture like this is finally arriving to this area.
So, if you live anywhere in the not-too-far vicinity go here for more details.